Section outline

  • Cultural Module of Chinese-Russian Summer School consists of three parts: lectures, team works and work shop, museum excursions.
    The aim of this module is increasing of cultural and historical skills of the students.

    • 1. The first contacts of Russians with China.
      2. Russian-Chinese interstate relations in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
      3. Trade as a factor in the socio-cultural interaction between Russia and China.
      4. Russian-Chinese relations in the field of culture and art.

    • 1. The Soviet-Chinese relations in 1917-1949.
      2. During the Second World War, the USSR and the Republic of China were allies.
      3. Cooperation in the field of science and education between two countries.
      4. In the 1950s in the regions of the USSR there was a mass interest in the Chinese language.

  • The aim of this part of Module is constructing intercultural communication.

    • The Quickest History of 20th Century Art in Russia

      Malevich and Kabakov, Stalin and Khrushchev, the Avant-Garde, Socialist Realism and the Underground — everything you need to know about Russian art.

      Made by

  • Consists of four parts: Economic, Geographic, Diplomatic and Cultural. 

  • Excursion

  • Excursion

  • Excursion

  • Videopresentation